LuaSnip for Hugo Shortcodes
This setup came about because I continually forgot the mechanism Hugo utilizes for writing advanced markup to add to markdown documents, so I made my setup even lazier and wrote some snippets to help me generate even the most convoluted of shortcodes. I was already familiar with snippets for Latex, so inevitably a lot of copy-paste took place here. I’m including in this post the snippets I rely on the most.
To me configuration is a bit like a being in a jacuzzi. Sometimes, usually at the beginning, it’s relaxing and enjoyable. But eventually the chlorine seeps in, your fingers corrugate (its a real word), and your heart begins excavating through your ribcage - so while the below is useful, I wouldn’t want to set it up again, and I’m hoping that every post on this site doesn’t end up being the equivalent of flaky salt.
I know that at some point an AI will probably liberate me from configuration hell. In fact it’s probably achievable right now, but like Dobby, I guess I’m still waiting for my sock to be freed.
Here are my most common shortcodes, starting with the one I use to generate code snippets
Trigger : Keystroke or Text Used to Generate Snippet
IMPORTANT: To get this post to render the Hugo code below
needed to be escaped. So if copy-pasting, remove the % %
pairs within
the Hugo shortcodes enclosed in double brackets.
Generate Code Snippet
Description: Wrapper for highlight.js support.
Trigger: mdcode:
Absolute Hugo Reference
Description: Point to another Hugo page.
Trigger: hgref:
Tufte Sidenote
Description: Generate a tufte sidenote (see sidenote). This is a sidenote. Notice it's annotated to correspond to it's location in the text.
Trigger: tufteS:
Tufte Margin Note
Description: Generate a tufte margin note.
Trigger: tufteM:
This is a margin note.
Make an epigraph
“The people who can destroy a thing, they control it.”
Description: Create a formatted epigraph.
Trigger: epg:
Render Plotly
Description: Render a Plotly Diagram in a Hugo post.
Trigger: mdplot:
Here, the json parameter is a path to a subfolder in the static directory containing exported json data from a D3.js diagram. Plotly includes options for exporting plot data to json.
Math Block Environment
Description: Mathematical processing block environment using Mathjax.
Trigger: $$ e^{\pi i } = cos \theta + i sin \theta $$
Coming Soon…
Subscript Expansion
Generate List
Quick MD Table
I’ll likely revisit this post with updates or changes from time to time.